关注:77 发布时间:2021-08-11 15:09:29

1/the complete sherlock holmes (1887-1927)福尔摩斯探案全集
2/tales of mystery and imagination (1845) 爱伦坡短篇小说选集
3/the moonstone (1868) 月亮宝石
4/the woman in white (1860) 白衣女人
5/crime and punishment (1866) 罪与罚
6/trent"s last case (1913) 特仑特的比较后一案
7/the circular staircase (1908) 螺旋楼梯
8/the mystery of edwin drood (1870) 德鲁德疑案
9/the innocence of father brown (1911) 布朗神父探案集
10/dracula (1897) 德库拉 德古拉
1/rebecca (1938) 蝴蝶梦
2/the silence of the lambs (1988) 沉默的羔羊
3/red dragon (1981) 红龙
4/where are the children? (1975)
5/laura (1943) 罗兰秘记、罗娜秘记、绝代佳人
6/beast in view (1955) 眼中的猎物
7/a judgment in stone (1977)
8/rosemary"s baby (1967) 罗斯。玛丽的婴儿
9/the big clock (1946)
10/brighton rock (1938)布莱顿硬糖
1/the maltese falcon (1930) 马耳它之鹰
2/the big sleep (1939) 长眠不醒
3/the long good-bye (1953) 漫长的告别
4/farewell, my lovely (1940) 再见吾爱 恋人无情
5/the thin man (1934) 瘦子
6/red harvest (1929) 红色收获
7/i, the jury (1947) 审判者
8/"a" for alibi (1982) 他不在现场
9/the lady in the lake (1943) 湖底女人
10/ the doorbell rang (1965) 门铃响起
11/the dreadful lemon sky (1975) 淡黄色的天空令人恐惧
12/the chill (1964)
13/eight million ways to die (1982) 八百万种死法
14/black cherry blues (1989)
15/when the sacred ginmill closes (1986)
16/the little girl
17/the green ripper (1979)
18/the glass key (1931) 玻璃钥匙
19/the last good kiss (1978)
20/the underground man (1971) 地下人
1/dance hall of the dead (1973)亡灵的舞厅
2/the laughing policeman (1968)大笑的警察
3/gorky park (1981) 高尔基公园
4/a thief of time (1988) 〈时间小偷〉
5/the first deadly sin (1973) 第一死罪
6/last seen wearing ... (1952)
7/the steam pig (1974)
8/the choirboys (1975)
9/shroud for a nightingale (1971) 夜莺的尸衣
10/ice (1983)
11/ in the heat of the night (1965)
1/the spy who came in from the cold (1963) 冷战谍魂
2/a coffin for dimitrios (1939) 迪米特里奥斯之棺
3/eye of the needle (1978) 针眼
4/the day of the jackal (1971) 豺狼的日子
5/tinker, taylor, soldier, spy (1974) 裁缝,水手,士兵,间谍
6/the thirty-nine steps (1915) 三十九级台阶
7/the ipcress file (1962) 伊普克雷斯档案 / 伦敦间谍战
8/smiley"s people (1979) 史迈利的人马伦敦谍影
9/rogue male (1939) 枪杀希特勒
10/the third man (1950) 第三个人
1/the godfather (1969) 教父
2/the postman always rings twice (1934) 邮差总敲两次门
3/double indemnity (1943) 加倍赔偿
4/little caeser (1929)
5/in cold blood (1966) 蓄谋:一件复杂凶杀案及其真实原因
6/the friend of eddie coyle (1972)
7/the killer inside me (1952)
8/stick (1983)
9/the talented mr. ripley (1955) 天才雷普利
10/prizzi"s honor (1982) 普利兹家族的荣誉
1/ten little niggers (1939) 孤岛奇案 无人生还
2/the murder of roger ackroyd (1926) 罗杰疑案
3/gaudy night (1935) 俗丽之夜
4/the nine tailors (1934) 九个裁缝 九曲丧钟
5/murder must advertise (1933) 杀人广告
6/murder on the orient express (1934) 东方快车谋杀案
7/the strong poison (1930)
8/clouds of witness (1926)证言疑云
9/the three coffins (the hollow man) (1935)三口棺材
10/the body in the library (1942) 藏书室女尸之谜
11/the moving toyshop (1946) 玩具店不见了
12/the abc murders (1935) abc谋杀案
13/i.o.u. (1991)
14/the franchise affair (1948) 法兰柴思事件
15/the mysterious affair at styles (1920) 斯泰尔庄园奇案
16/the tiger in the smoke (1952) 烟中之虎 谜虎
17/death on the nile (1937) 尼罗河上的惨案
18/calamity town (1942) 凶镇
19/the green for danger (1944) 绿色危机
20/the mirror crack"d from side to side (1962) 破镜谋杀案
1/the daughter of time (1951) 时间的女儿
2/the name of the rose (1980) 玫瑰的名字
3/the seven-per-cent solution (1974) 百分之七溶液
4/wobble to death (1970)
5/ a morbid taste for bones (1977) 变味的遗骨
6/ time and again (1970)
7/devil in a blue dress (1990) 蓝衣魔鬼
8/crocodile on the sandbank (1975)
9/the devil veet (1951)
10/the chinese nail murders 注:即高罗佩铁钉案
1/fletch (1974)
2/the hot rock (1970)
3/banl shot (1972)
4/god save the mark (1967)
5/skin tight (1989)
6/rest you merry (1978)
7/dancing aztecs (1976)
8/bimbos of the death sun (1987)
9/home sweet homicide (1944)
10/the moving toyshop (1946)
1/presumed innocent (1987) 假定无罪(无罪的罪人)
2/anatomy of a murder (1958) 解析谋杀案一个凶杀案的解析
3/witness for the prosecution (1948) 短篇选集 【英】阿加莎·克里斯蒂 贵州出版社
4/rumpole of the bailey (1978)
5/the firm (1991) 陷阱
6/to kill a mockingbird (1960) 杀死一只知更鸟
7/a time to kill (1989) 杀戮时刻
8/the case of the veet claws (1933) 梅森探案集 丝绒爪(移花接木)
10/the caine mutiny
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